It has been a productive three months, with settlements reached in a variety of employment claims, including recent settlements of wage claims and a sexual harassment claim:
(1) Employee win. Without filing a lawsuit, settled claims on behalf of employee for breach of contract for failure to pay severance due and owing under termination clause in employee contract. Company initially denied any liability for severance, but settled, paying close to 100% of the disputed severance amount. (7/2019)
(2) Employee win. Settled wage and hour lawsuit against employer for unpaid wages. Company claimed that employee was an owner exempt from wage and hour laws, stole company clients and property. Established that employee was not an owner; that employee had no obligation to share in revenue from clientele; and that employee did not misappropriate company property. Case settled for entire amount of unpaid wages. (8/2019)
(3) Employee win. Without filing a lawsuit, settled claims for sexual harassment and defamation arising out of workplace conduct towards female employee. Settlement compensation equivalent to 1.5 years of pay. (9/2019)